Infinit-Automate: Employee Engagement Workflow Automation for a Scaling Engineering Firm
An HR associate spent almost 12 hours each month manually checking the HR system for upcoming birthdays. Sometimes, due to work overload or an employee’s absence, birthdays were missed, resulting in inconsistently celebrating employees and low engagement.
Our AI-driven Infinit-Automate℠ thoroughly optimized the entire employee greeting workflow.
Infinit-Automate℠ digital worker independently performed the following tasks:
- Scheduled information from the HR system
- Informed the supervisor in advance of upcoming birthdays
- Prepared and published photo greeting cards
- Sent email greetings while also posting them to the company’s employee engagement platform
The AI-driven Infinit-Automate℠ digital worker empowered the engineering firm to establish an outstanding culture of appreciation, which led to a highly positive work environment. The solution saved valuable time and improved accuracy while fostering employee engagement and loyalty.
The implementation of employee engagement workflow automation has proven to be highly beneficial for a scaling engineering firm. By streamlining and automating various processes, significant improvements are achieved. Consider partnering with a business process outsourcing company that can provide business technology solutions.
Defy economic downturns with exceptional talent + Conquer your growth goals with automation & business intelligence.
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