Information Technology Security: 5 Functions to Outsource

Whether you’re a small or medium business owner, the threat of cybersecurity breaches is a serious concern for your company. Not having experienced, well-trained professionals prevent and address such attacks will cost your company more in terms of expenses, reputation, and profit. No customer or client wants to deal with a brand that doesn’t have the means to prioritize their data security. At the same time, it’s also important for your company to protect its own confidential information and other assets. But does your company need to go beyond budget and increase costs with an in-house team? No, because information technology (IT) support outsourcing is a more affordable and effective solution.

According to the Computer Economics IT Outsourcing Statistics of 2016/2017, the majority of the surveyed IT departments plan to increase the outsourcing load for IT security. Vice president of research for Computer Economics, David Wagner states that no organizations plan to decrease the outsourced amount, as sophisticated threats require specialized skills. He adds that organizations acknowledge that threat detection requires a different skill set and IT support outsourcing offers a bigger variety of specialized skills. The indicated study also reports that outsourcing is an attractive option for smaller organizations and are employing these services at the same level as bigger companies. If you haven’t caught up to this cost-effective, scalable IT solution, here are five essential functions you can outsource to keep the company protected and profitable.

1.    Training

You and your employees play a crucial role in ensuring the security of company data. While it isn’t your job to assess, prevent, and address threats, employees should be updated on the importance of information security. You can outsource IT security training to an established organization with experience in training companies about these matters.

The outsourced training can also customize the session according to the target group’s specialized functions. If your company has an in-house IT team that handles product development, training can cover topics such as how to write secure code and lessen the risk during project implementation.

2.    Security Testing

This function is essential for custom development companies that create or provide a service to customers. Your development team is probably doing a few internal security tests such as regular vulnerability scans and static code analysis. But your team still requires an objective, third-party expert that can execute internal and external penetration testing. Plus, most customer contracts and compliance standards require external party testing.

3.    Security Monitoring

Small businesses don’t have the financial capacity to have their own security operations center. Ideally, this center would be in charge of the detailed security monitoring and to alert the company of any threats. Many outsourcing companies offer a managed security services provider (MSSP) at different rates and scales. You can choose according to the limited budget. It’s recommended, however, that you invest a little more to ensure that you get the complete security monitoring experience. It’s still more affordable than building an in-house security center on your own.

4.    Response to Security Threat Incidents

The maintenance of monitoring the company’s security is a given. You can opt to have this in-house or through an outsourced company. But in the event of an actual security threat or incident, it’s best to have an IT security expert to handle the situation. Your company’s efforts to communicate internally about the incident can only go so far. An outsourced IT security team—especially one that is already maintaining the regular protection measures—will be able to find a solution in its immediate response. Security threats require a certain level of confidentiality, so it’s important to outsource a company that you are familiar with.

5.    Assessing Third Parties

Your company may have an incoming partnership with another organization for an upcoming product. Other times, your company will hire the services of a vendor for certain transactions. Either way, you need an IT security team to assess the risks of these companies to your own organization. An outsourced team will be able to predict the factors that may occur and prevent any situations that can affect your organization’s everyday functions. Before the third party assessment proceeds, discuss your targets, outcomes, and framework with the outsourced team to ensure that all findings are relevant and take into account all kinds of risks.

Finding the right IT outsourcing support team feels daunting and difficult at first. It’s best to look for experts in the field, like Infinit-O.  Infinit-O offers cost-effective solutions for your data security needs. From research design to implementation, research management, to processing and reporting, Infinit-O applies an advanced approach that helps companies make intelligent business decisions. Our company’s highly qualified professionals and data analysts will be in charge of ensuring all around security. Your company also saves between 40 to 60 percent in labor, personnel costs, and infrastructure expenses with our outsourcing solutions. A lower price doesn’t compromise service as we can set up dedicated teams within 30 days. Operations run 24/7 for maximum operational efficiency. Talk to us today and start outsourcing your IT security functions.

Infinit-O is the trusted customer-centric and sustainable leader in Business Process Optimization to Small and Medium businesses in the Financial Services, Healthcare and Technology sectors by delivering continuous improvement through technology, data and people.

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