GDPR a Year After: How Data Security Improved, and How it can do Better

Data security is a critical focus for businesses today. This is especially true for solutions partners who have access to other businesses’ sensitive data. Businesses rely on these companies to protect their data at all costs.

Enter GDPR.

According to Investopedia:

“The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is a legal framework that sets guidelines for the collection and processing of personal information of individuals within the European Union (EU).”

In other words, GDPR ensures that businesses collect and use individuals’ personal information responsibly. This regulation became effective in the EU in May 2018, and companies that are not GDPR compliant may end up facing large fines.

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While there are still companies scrambling to meet the GDPR standards, plenty of other companies are already in compliance. Infinit-O is among the GDPR compliant companies today.

The implementation of the GDPR framework has had some notable effects on data security in the BPO and other sectors. Here are just a few early benefits:

Increased Data Breach Transparency

A major security improvement caused by GDPR is the increased transparency over data breaches. In the past, companies were less forthcoming with data breach reports to the relevant authorities. A company releasing a data breach report to the public runs the risk of losing customer trust, and ultimately business.

However, a DLA Piper survey showed that over 59,000 data breaches were reported across Europe, within just the first eight months of GDPR. This trend is expected to continue in 2019. Companies are now discouraged from keeping security breaches from their clients.

More Control Over the Use of Personal Data

GDPR gives individuals or clients far more control over how companies use their data. By GDPR laws, companies must make it clear to their online community how their data is collected and used.

Companies are also required to offer a straightforward way for website visitors to opt out of their data collection practices.

Website users want to know that they have a choice in how companies collect and use their data. Thus, GDPR-compliant companies give their clients this peace of mind.

Read More: 4 Tips to Reduce Threats to Your Company’s Web and Data Security

Improving Security in the BPO Industry

Despite the advancement in data security over the past year, there’s still room for improvement. There are a number of ways BPO companies can further increase data security. Here are a few ways:

Conducting Regular Penetration Tests

Penetration tests help guard IT networks against hackers. A penetration test is simply a simulated hacking attack on a company’s IT network. It allows security specialists to spot and fix weaknesses in their network before being attacked by unscrupulous hackers.

Improving Internal Security

The best defense against data hackers is strong internal security in a company. Employees are the biggest threat to a company’s information security. This is because workers tend to have easy access to company documents and data.

There are a few ways to improve internal security. These include:

  • Properly screening new hires to ensure integrity and trustworthiness.
  • Educating all workers on Cyber attacks, how to identify its different forms, and how to respond in the event of an attack.

With personal data now being the world’s most valuable commodity, companies are stepping up their data security game to win trust among their customers. The inception of the GDPR regulation came with strict rules on how to safely use and collect personal data.

Infinit-O is a fully GDPR compliant business solutions partner. This means their clients’ data is under strict security to resist hackers and other security breaches. Our operations are extremely client-focused, and we take a customized approach to solve each of our client’s business challenges. We operate on a scalable model, and our clients are able to start with a small, dedicated team for their outsourcing needs, then scale up or down as needed. With updated and reliable technology infrastructure, not only can we provide excellent solutions, but we also make sure your data is secure 24/7/365.

Infinit-O is the trusted customer-centric and sustainable leader in Business Process Optimization to Small and Medium businesses in the Financial Services, Healthcare and Technology sectors by delivering continuous improvement through technology, data and people.

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